Little Miss SmartyPants

Smarty Pants Gummy Vitamins are HAH
Team HAH tries to be healthy, but with our crazy-busy schedule, sometimes that's easier said than done... (building a brand is some seriously HAHrd work people!) Luckily for us, HAH HQ is always stocked with SmartyPants Multivitamin Gummies- making it easy (and enjoyable!) to get our daily dose.
These gummies are packed with non-GMO ingredients like omega 3, EPA, DHA fatty acids and vitamin D3…to name a few. And best of all, they're delicious! The perfect sweet treat to satisfy a mid-day sugar craving... They've become part of our daily office routine, and we're all seriously obsessed! 
We also LOVE that with every bottle of SmartyPants sold, they make a 1 for 1 nutrient grant to a non profit organization called Vitamin Angels. Vitamin Angels helps at-risk populations, with a strong focus on pregnant women, new mothers, and children under the age of 5,  giving them access to life changing minerals and vitamins. 
SmartyPants is taking a step to make a healthy cHAHnge in the world and we think that’s #HAHT.


Shop their selection of vitamins here.

 Smarty Pants Gummy Vitamins are HAH


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