Responsible Fashion Summit

We have a lot of fun here at HAH, but we do work sometimes too, even though we like to think it's all play.  This past week, HAH Founder Sharleen Ernster and some of our team attended the Responsible Fashion Summit in Colombo, Sri Lanka. The summit began with a panel including Sharleen and two other international designers: David Abraham and Heidi Gosman. They discussed the topic of disposal and its involvement in Design Strategy. This idea is something that has not been strongly followed by designers, resulting in landfill issues.  I don't know about you, but I get a chill of disgust every time I even pass an overflowing trashcan.
"One of the purposes behind this brand was to slow down the Fashion cycle and create a product with purpose and to utilize product processes that were sustainable, in order to leave a better planet and legacy for the next generation. I have had the great privilege of working for some of the biggest brands in the World and that introduced me to some of the most incredible manufacturers in the World. One of the most beautiful things about working for the larger corporations is that it exposes you to the latest technology and advancements. Sri Lanka has always been on the forefront of green technology. With the introduction to technology particularly from this region, I was able to start a business founded on 3 pillars – Sustainability, Good to the Consumer and Transparency.”- Sharleen Ernster
We couldn't have said it better, Shar.
To see a recap of the panel, watch the video below!

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