STUFF WE LOVE: re/make

We get it...sometimes it's hard to shop sustainably, mainly because finding brands who support the movement can be difficult.  Researching different companies every time you want to purchase a new top or pair of jeans but still want to be ethical can get exhausting.  That's why we want to introduce you to Remake, a non-profit that supports moving fashion towards a sustainable and healthy industry.  Remake will help you transform your closet from a bunch of Forever 21 pieces that you wore once in college, to beautifully made pieces with a purpose.  Recently, we had the honor of being added to their list of sustainable brands.  With tons of brands to look at listed right on the website for you, Remake makes shopping sustainably easier than ever before.  Our favorite part about their website is not only all of the factual information about the fashion industry, but also all of the information about the women who produce your clothes.  As the website says, 80% of garment makers globally are women in their early twenties, much like a lot of the individuals who will read this article.  So next time you feel the urge to splurge think about the women who made your garment, and ask yourself if you are making a purchase that supports a good quality of life!

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Remake's "Wear Your Values" tote sported by a model wearing our Slip N2 Me Dress.

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